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Majors(by List)

Next-Gen Semiconductor Mechanical Engineering
  • Main CampusKorea Institute of Machinery & Materials
  • Participating Campus
  • Number of Students 46
  • Number of Faculty66


Mechanical Engineering covers traditional mechanical engineering, and is also closely related with various technical fields, such as Information Technology, Bio Technology, Nano Technology, and Eco-friendly Energy Technology. In this major, we conduct research and education to achieve 4th industrial revolution for future industry and to cope with global warming issues. The major consists of three detailed concentrations, which are Nano-Mechatronics, Robot·Manufacturing Systems, and Environment·Energy Machinery.


Robot·Manufacturing Systems

‘RobotㆍManufacturing Systems’ concentration conducts basic and applied researches for manufacturing systems which include intelligent robots, ultra-precision machines, laser processing machines, roll to roll machines, semiconductor/display equipment, and 3D printing equipment. Through the practical experiences based on robot and equipment design, intelligent control, laser machining process, industrial plasma application, and printed electronic process, we aim to grow R&D experts of robots and manufacturing systems.


‘Nano-Mechatronics’ concentration provides education on basic and in-depth subjects which are necessary to conduct nano-mechatronics research to develop comprehensive technologies related to nano-imprint-based nano-patterning processes and equipment, nano-component assembly technologies, and nano-measurement technologies. This Concentration cultivates nano process / equipment / measurement technology experts by teaching applied technologies which can be immediately transferred to the industrial sector.

International Admission(Non-Korean Citizen for Spring 2025 plan

Recruitment Guide
Master Doctor Integrated