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Majors(by List)

Next-Gen Semiconductor Division of Bio-Medical Science & Technology
  • Main CampusKorea Institute of Science and Technology
  • Participating CampusInstitut Pasteur Korea
  • Number of Students 102
  • Number of Faculty75


Bio-Medical Science & Technology is a multi disciplinary field which consists of 3 sub majors including Biological Chemistry, Medical Engineering and Neuroscience. Biological Chemistry focuses on new drug discovery based on understanding life phenomena using integrated approach of biology and chemistry while Biomedical Engineering engages on development of new biotechnology that can be applied for medical treatment and diagnosis on the basis of Engineering, Medicine and Biology. Neuroscience studies mechanisms underlying human cognition and brain disorders to find new treatment drug or technology. Bio-Medical Science & Technology provides World Class atmosphere and opportunity for cutting edge research on Biotechnology and Medicine.



Neuroscience is a most interdisciplinary study to understand neural mechanisms underlying human behaviors with molecular, genetic, physiological and behavioral approaches, which also aims to find better treatments for brain disorders.

International Admission(Non-Korean Citizen for Spring 2025 plan

Recruitment Guide
Master Doctor Integrated