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미래를 혁신하고 세계를 선도하는 UST


Majors(by List)

Materials, Parts & Equipment Advanced Materials Engineering
  • Main CampusKorea Institute of Materials Science
  • Participating Campus
  • Number of Students 19
  • Number of Faculty28


Advanced Materials Engineering is the foundation for the development of high-tech industries. This field of study improves the properties of preexisting materials and develops new advanced materials by enhancing certain properties of these advanced materials such as metals, ceramics, and composites and imbuing them with new features. This major aims to cultivate materials experts in advanced metals, ceramics, surface materials, composites, and nano powders through a variety of subjects particularly focused on material design, processing, and property evaluation. The goal of the major is to foster a workforce with practical engineering expertise in advanced materials, who can meet the demand of businesses.

International Admission(Non-Korean Citizen for Spring 2025 plan

Recruitment Guide
Master Doctor Integrated