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미래를 혁신하고 세계를 선도하는 UST


Majors(by List)

Materials, Parts & Equipment Division of Energy & Environment Technology
  • Main CampusKorea Institute of Science and Technology
  • Participating Campus
  • Number of Students 66
  • Number of Faculty60


We develop new energy systems and clean environment technology using interdisciplinary studies of chemistry, physics, materials, biology, and mechanics to achieve the sustainable society. Clean technology for energy production, energy storage, and energy applications is developed to reduce the green house gas, and environmental technology for manipulating and controlling water and air resources to fulfill the global demand for clean environment. Our students have diverse majors including physics, chemistry, biology, atmospheric science, environmental engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science.


Energy Engineering

To realize a clean and sustainable future society, we study basic and applied technology related to the production, conversion, storage, and delivery of environment-friendly energy and chemical. Detailed research field includes biomass to energy, solar energy, fuel cell, batteries and system engineering.

Environment Engineering

For the safe and sustainable environment, we study basic and applied technology related to various environmental issues. Detailed research fields include water resource management and process engineering, treatment of soil and ground water, energy production using wastes, air pollution monitoring and modeling, diagnosis and control of environmental pollution, and environmental health risk.

International Admission(Non-Korean Citizen for Spring 2025 plan

Recruitment Guide
Master Doctor Integrated