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미래를 혁신하고 세계를 선도하는 UST


Majors(by List)

- Nuclear Science and Technology
  • Main CampusKorea Atomic Energy Research Institute
  • Participating Campus
  • Number of Students 22
  • Number of Faculty33


This major deals with general topics related to the nuclear science and engineering. It consists of 3 sub-majors in Radiochemistry, Quantum energy chemical engineering and Nuclear system engineering. Radiochemistry provides various radiochemistry educations regarding radiochemical analysis, nuclear research, and radiochemical reaction. Quantum energy chemical engineering provides training courses for nuclear fuel cycle technology such as dry processing of spent nuclear fuel, radioactive waste treatment and disposal technology, nuclear material technology, and nuclear decommissioning technology. Nuclear system engineering deals with the research related to the system design, validation, and safety evaluation. This sub-major includes variety of research fields related with nuclear system such as reactor thermal-hydraulic experiment/analysis, severe accident, probabilistic safety assessment, and neutron beam research.



Radiochemistry major is the field of observing the physicochemical properties and chemical reactions of radioactive materials to provide cutting edge technologies and data that are essential to the nuclear industry and research. As the only major in radiochemistry in Korea, we provide various radiochemistry educations regarding radiochemical analysis, nuclear research, and radiochemical reaction using experts, special facilities, and equipment in the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute.

International Admission(Non-Korean Citizen for Spring 2025 plan

Recruitment Guide
Master Doctor Integrated