Current status of student majors

학생현황 - 학생분류, 인원, 평균 입학연령 및 평균 졸업기간, 연령 및 기간 정보제공
Type Number of Students Avg. age of admission &
Avg. graduation period
Age & period
Enrolled Students 22 Average age of new students in master course 25.96
Students on leave 1 Average age of new students in doctor course 28.84
Completion Students 10 Average age of new students in integrative course 25.85
Master Graduates 87 Average graduation period in master course 2.18
Doctoral Graduates 45 Average graduation period in doctor course 4.88
International Students 14 Average graduation period in inegrative course 6.11

Student Research Performance

학생연구실적 - 연도, 연구실적 구분, 게재지, 연구실적명 정보제공
Year Field of Research Journal Research
2008 Journal Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry A Double Wall Reactor for Supercritical Water Oxidation: Experimental Results on Corrosive Sulfur Mustard Simulant Oxidation
2008 Journal Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry A New Correlation to Predict the Stability of Liquid Jet in Dense Carbon Dioxide
2008 Journal ?Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology Chemical Agent Disposal Technology by a 2-step Process(II) (Agent Hydrolysis followed by Supercritical Water Oxidation)
2008 Journal Chemistry Of Materials Continuous One-pot Synthesis of Surface-odified Metal Oxide Nanoparticles using Supercritical Methanol for Highly Stabilized Nanofluids
2008 Journal Journal of Environmental Sciences Decomposition Kinetics of Dimethyl Methylphospate (Chemical Agent Simulant) by Supercritical Water Oxidation
2008 Journal Journal of Hazardous Materials Destruction of Chemical Agent Simulants in a Supercritical Water Oxidation Bench-Scale Reactor
2008 Journal JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Destruction of OPA from Munitions Demilitarization in Supercritical Water Oxidation: Kinetics of Total Organic Carbon Disappearance
2008 Journal Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Dimethyl carbonate synthesis via transesterification over nanostructured MgO?CeO2 mixed oxide catalyst prepared by modified coprecipitation using ionic liquids
2008 Journal Journal of Supercritical Fluids Extraction of Bioactive Components from Centella asiatica using Subcritical Water
2008 Journal Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Formation of Titanium Hydroxide Nanoparticles in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide