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미래를 혁신하고 세계를 선도하는 UST

Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute


한국전기연구원 이미지
Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute
  • Homepagewww.keri.re.kr
  • TELTel : 055-280-1114, Fax : 055-280-1216
  • Address12, Bulmosan-ro 10beon-gil, Seongsan-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea


The Korea Electrical Research Institute (KERI) was established in 1976 and its headquarter and branches are located in Changwon, Uiwang, Ansan and Gwangju. KERI is a global research institute that leads technology in the electricity and electric industry, electric utility industry and electrical materials. KERI is constantly challenging technology development to secure the public interest in the use and supply of electrical energy, to support the electricity industry, and to create new values, and to contribute to national development and global human welfare. In addition, we respect the ethics and responsibilities demanded by society and strive for the spread of scientific culture and the development of the community. KERI school is opening electrical energy & materials engineering major that combine energy conversion engineering and electro-functional materials engineering with the aim of efficient use of electrical energy. KERI school will do its best to contribute to the development of the global electricity industry by fostering talented people with knowledge of energy conversion and electro-functional materials.

Faculty 37
Student 44
Graduate Student 68