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미래를 혁신하고 세계를 선도하는 UST

Korea Institute of Energy Research


한국에너지기술연구원 이미지
Korea Institute of Energy Research
  • Homepagewww.kier.re.kr
  • TELTel : 042-860-3114, Fax : 042-861-6224
  • Address152, Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea


The Korea Institute of Energy Research was established as a national carbon-neutral research institute established in 1977.09 as a government-funded fund with the aim of "contributing to the creation of national growth engines and national economic development through R&D and spread of achievements in the energy technology field." , It is composed of four branch campuses in Buan(Fuel Cell Demo), Jeju(Marine Energy), Ulsan(New Battery), and Gwangju(Bioenergy), centering on the Daejeon headquarters located in the Daedeok Research Complex. Also, as a global leading research institute equipped with world-class research manpower and infrastructure in the energy environment field, KIER SCHOOL was recently established to cultivate outstanding human resources. It is composed of about 400 master's and doctoral researchers and about 100 faculty members. In particular, as Korea's leading energy technology research institute that boasts 40 years of tradition and authority in the field of energy environment research, it is a research institute for clean use of fossil energy, CCUS technology, future renewable energy technology including hydrogen energy, and convergence for efficient use of energy. It mainly performs complex system technology. Therefore, on the basis of long-standing knowledge and experience in the field of energy environment research, and research infrastructure, students in master's and doctoral programs are provided with opportunities for a wide spectrum of curriculum ranging from basic energy engineering theory to field practice. In particular, since the various curriculums and field studies in the energy technology major field provided by this campus are ongoing along with government-sponsored research projects, it is a global leader in related fields after graduation by accumulating opportunities and experiences for more specialized and specialized in-depth education. It will be the cornerstone to grow as a person.

Faculty 62
Student 55
Graduate Student 143