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미래를 혁신하고 세계를 선도하는 UST

Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials


한국기계연구원 이미지
Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials
  • Homepagewww.kimm.re.kr
  • TELTel : 042-868-7114, Fax : 042-868-7824
  • Address156, Gajeongbuk-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea


Many nations around the world are competing fiercely to seize the initiative in the development of cutting-edge technologies and to secure superiority in industrial competitiveness. The government realized early on that scientific development is the driving force behind the country's economic growth and national development, and thus established a number of state-invested research institutes. As part of such governmental efforts, the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials(KIMM) was launched in 1976, initially under the name of the Korea Test Institute of Machinery and Metals, in order to improve industrial technologies in the field of machinery and metal working as well as to domestically manufacture machinery, thereby replacing imports and upgrading machine quality to international level. KIMM has thus far led the development of the field of machinery in Korea. KIMM is determined to pool all its capabilities to develop into an agency that will lead the industry, academia and research institutes. At KIMM, all our staff members are well aware of the goals and missions that the country and its people expect us to fulfill. With the support and confidence of Korean nationals, we will perform a leading role in the development of science and technology to strengthen national economic development and welfare. We are ready to listen attentively to people's wisdom and advice. Thank you.

Faculty 68
Student 56
Graduate Student 141