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Student Support

After Graduation (F-2-7s VISA)

UST international graduates can apply for the F-2-7s visa which allows the visa holder to stay in Korea up to 5 years.

A recommendation letter from UST president is a mandatory document to apply for the visa, and UST issues recommendation letter to our international students who meet the criteria.

What is F-2-7s visa?

  • F-2-7s visa allows its holder to stay in Korea up to 5 years even though the holder is not employed/enrolled.
  • After the visa expires, its holder may apply for other longer-term residence visa.

Who can apply for the recommendation letter?

  • UST student who is expected to graduate in applying semester or whose graduation has not exceeded 1 year on the timeof application
    (For example, 2026 Spring issuance applies to graduates of 2025 spring, 2025 fall, and expected graduates of 2026 spring)
  • UST student legally residing in Korea at the time of application
  • UST student with a GPA of A0 (4.0/4.5) or over
  • UST student with a TOPIK Level 2 or higher, or who have completed more than 64 hours of Korean language course offered by UST
  • UST student who completed mandatory courses designated by UST for international students (**mandatory courses: Prevention of sexual harassment, Korean law for international students. The Korean law for international students course can be substituted by KIIP level 5 or Early adaptation program offered by the Korean Ministry of Justice.)
  • UST student with no or 1 application prior (recommendation letter application is allowed up to 2 times)

When can I apply?

  • The issuance is open for application twice a year, in December for the coming February issuance, and in June for August issuance.