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미래를 혁신하고 세계를 선도하는 UST

Student Support

After Entry (for Enrolled Students)

After Entry to Korea 1.

Once you enter Korea, you must apply for the Alien Registration Card (ARC) within 90 days of your entry. ARC is basically your ID card in Korea which is often required to open bank accounts, mobile accounts and most importantly your registration at UST schools.

What is ARC and why should I get it?

  • ARC is your identification card in Korea.
  • The Korean government requires all foreign nationals who intend to stay in Korea for longer than 90 days to obtain ARC. It also helps protect you legally.
  • You must obtain ARC to sign your labor contract with UST schools, open bank accounts and more.

How to apply for the ARC

  • In a nutshell, you are required to apply for your ARC at your local Immigration Office.
  • The Korean Immigration Office operates multiple “branches” in many different region.
  • You should find your local Immigration Office (based on your school location) and make application there.
  • First you need to book a visit appointment to your local immigration office at HiKorea website (https://www.hikorea.go.kr/Main.pt)
  • Please note that you can only make your booking once you enter Korea.
  • When you enter Korea, make your booking as soon as possible.

What documents should you get and from where?

After Entry to Korea 2.

While you are attending UST, you may need to extend your stay duration. This is called “visa extension or extension of sojourn period”.

How to apply for the visa extension?

  • It is very similar to applying for the ARC.
  • You need to book your visit appointment first via HiKorea website (https://www.hikorea.go.kr/Main.pt)
  • Feb/Mar & Jul/Aug are very busy time at the immigration offices and it is strongly recommended to make your booking in advance.

In a nutshell, you are required to apply for your ARC at your local Immigration Office.

  • The Korean Immigration Office operates multiple “branches” in many different region.
  • You should find your local Immigration Office (based on your school location) and make application there.
  • First you need to book a visit appointment to your local immigration office at HiKorea website (https://www.hikorea.go.kr/Main.pt)
  • Please note that you can only make your booking once you enter Korea.
  • When you enter Korea, make your booking as soon as possible.

What documents should you get and from where?